When God Sits You On The Sidelines For Awhile

by Bobby Gilles

in Exhortations And Musings

Football Bench photo to illustrate "When God Sits Ministry Leaders On The Sidelines" articleI’ve recently returned to work at Sojourn Church after a short bereavement leave following the birth and death of mine and Kristen’s son Parker. Although this was just a two-week rest, it was what I needed — even though I itched to get “back in the game” several times.

Sometimes we know when we need to “ride the bench.” Sometimes we don’t. Several times in Sojourn’s short history, pastors and ministry leaders have had to tell someone in our midst, “You need to slow down,” “You need a retreat/sabbatical,” or “Why don’t you take some time off.” It’s great to be among people who are so passionate about working for the Lord, but the danger in that mindset comes when we don’t recognize the rhythms of rest and recuperation we all need.

These words from Charles Spurgeon’s Beside Still Waters: Words of Comfort for the Soul helped me recognize the importance of letting God “lay aside” his servants at times:

“Some of God’s best workers have been laid aside for long periods. Moses was forty years in the desert, doing nothing but tending sheep. One greater than Moses, our blessed Savior, was thirty years doing — I will not say nothing, but certainly doing no public work …

“If you are put on the shelf, do not rust; pray that the Master will polish you, so that when He uses you again you will be fully ready for the work.

“Do not get into that peevish, miserable frame of mind that grudges and undervalues other’s efforts. Some people, when they cannot do anything, do not like anybody else to work. Promise that if you cannot help you will never hinder. Spend time in prayer …”

“Army-Notre Dame Football” photo above by West Point Public Affairs, used via Creative Commons license


bruce November 12, 2012 at 4:36 pm

Good words Bobby. I’m so glad that you took some time off. Praying for you all

Bobby Gilles November 13, 2012 at 1:16 pm

Thank you Bruce!

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