Here’s something I wrote for those in my church Sojourn, who were preparing to audition for Sojourn Music, our music ministry. These points will help you prepare for any church worship team audition:
Know What You’re Singing and Playing.
Learn the songs you’ll be expected to sing or play in advance. Study the songs.
- If you’re singing, know what you’re singing. Think about it, meditate on the text, ask the Lord to teach you the song and help you sing with understanding and conviction.
- If you’re playing, you should both understand the song the way the singer does (ask God to help you play with understanding and conviction) and know how to play the song skillfully. Be ready to listen and follow as a team player. And be ready to change keys on the fly too.
Relax and Remember.
Take a breath, and remind yourself that your best performance will still be imperfect. Only Jesus Christ is perfect, and he makes your imperfect worship acceptable. Your audition is not just a musical performance test. It is important that you be skilled as a singer and musician, but what’s more important is the posture of your heart. This requires a humble reliance upon the grace of Christ which saves those who trust in him. Remember that you are a worshiper.
Be Ready for Service.
You will be auditioning to serve on the Sojourn Music Team in a variety of roles and opportunities–from Sunday worship services, to Student Ministry to Sojourn Kids classes. Come prepared to serve with a thankful heart in whatever role you are assigned. We need faithful servants to help in every area and platform of this ministry.
Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t make the cut or don’t get asked to serve in the capacity you were hoping for. You are still a worshiper and we as a church need worship leaders both in front of and scattered throughout all of our worship gatherings.
You are an example and encouragement to your brothers and sisters around you. Continue to worship the Lord with everything you can muster. God is the one we’re serving and He’s always worthy of our best praise.
“Think about it, meditate on the text, ask the Lord to teach you the song and help you sing with understanding and conviction…
Only Jesus Christ is perfect, and he makes your imperfect worship acceptable.”
I needed these things today. Thanks.
“Think about it, meditate on the text, ask the Lord to teach you the song and help you sing with understanding and conviction…
Only Jesus Christ is perfect, and he makes your imperfect worship acceptable.”
I needed these things today. Thanks.
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