Christian Liturgy 101: How One Church Worshiped March 8, 2020

by Bobby Gilles

in Liturgy & Sermons

Welcome to Sojourn’s weekly worship music set list review & service recap. You’ll not only read a list of the songs we led, but also the readings and prayers from our liturgy. You can also watch the video stream of the whole service from our Facebook page, or here below (you’ll also see a higher resolution video of the sermon alone).

Our liturgy is written by Worship Director Justin Shaffer, in collaboration with our Creative Team at Sojourn Church New Albany and worship staff at the other four Sojourn Collective churches in the Louisville area.

This Sunday Pastor Jonah Sage preached from Matthew 14:22-26 in our series Stories Of Jesus: New Life In A New Family. To learn more about Sojourn Church, click here.

March 8 2020 – Jonah Sage – Stories Of Jesus 7 from Sojourn Collective on Vimeo.

—Prelude: “Shelter Me” Key, Leader

CALL TO WORSHIP:   Liturgist


7 I hear the tumult of the raging seas

as your waves and surging tides sweep over me.

8 But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me,

and through each night I sing his songs,

praying to God who gives me life.

-Psalm 42:7-8 NLT

—Song 2: “Solid Rock” Key, Leader


Let’s pray together:

Most merciful God,

we confess that we have sinned against you

in thought, word, and deed,

by what we have done,

and by what we have left undone.

We have not loved you with our whole heart;

we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.

For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,

have mercy on us and forgive us;

that we may delight in your will,

and walk in your ways,

to the glory of your Name. Amen.

[Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer] 

—Song 3: “Satisfied in You” Key, Leader



Jesus said, “I tell you most solemnly that anyone who chooses a life of sin is trapped in a dead-end life and is, in fact, a slave. A slave is a transient, who can’t come and go at will. The Son, though, has an established position, the run of the house. So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through.                                                                                                                 -John 8:34-35 The Message

It’s a game-changer to think about our relationship to God and our deeds being born of the freedom that we enjoy in Christ… the stanging that we have in God’s family, the place we have at the table. Let’s just take a moment and rejoice in that reality and also pray that God would use us as he sees fit.


Let’s pray these words together:

God, in the presence of each other

We bring you this offering, freely giving

As you have freely given to us in Christ.

Let’s continue to sing of God’s amazing grace as the giving baskets are passed around 🙂

—Song 4: “Grace and Peace” Key, Leader


Let’s greet one another in the grace and peace of our God 🙂

——————————————   [SERMON & COMMUNION]   ——————————————-

—Song 5: “Hold Me Jesus” Key, Leader


—Song 6: “Yes and Amen” Key, Leader


To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. [Peace be with you!]                    -Rev. 1:5b-6

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