Sojourn Church Liturgy – March 31, 2019 – Matthew 5:13-16

by Bobby Gilles

in Liturgy & Sermons

Welcome to Sojourn’s weekly worship music set list review & service recap for this second Sunday of Advent. You’ll not only read a list of the songs we led, but also the readings and prayers from our liturgy. You can also watch the video stream of the whole service from our Facebook page, or here below.

Our liturgy is written by worship director Justin Shaffer in collaboration with worship directors at other Sojourn churches.

This Sunday Pastor Jonah Sage preached Matthew 5:13-16 (salt & light) in our series from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, The Good Life: Living The More You Were Made ForTo learn more about Sojourn Church, click here.

March 31, 2019 – Good Life pt 2 – Jonah Sage from Sojourn Collective on Vimeo.

Heaven’s Kingdom is My Home (Beatitude Song) written by Kristen Gilles, Bobby Gilles, Justin Shaffer.


We come together bringing many things with us. We bring the joy and celebration of the good things that happened this week, but we also bring the burden, pain, and darkness of the bad things that happened this week. And more times that not, those things begin to paint a picture in our heads and hearts of what we think God is like. When times are great and full of celebration, it is easy to see God as good and loving. However, when things are not so good, it is just as easy to think that God is not for us. That is why when we gather together, we begin by looking to what the Bible says about who God is. We want to begin our worship by having a true vision of what God is like, not one dictated by our circumstances. Let’s read this beautiful description of what God is like together:

The LORD is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

Psalm 145:8

This God, who is all of things that we just read, despite how our weeks have looked, is worthy of all of our praise, so let’s sing to that God together.

Our Great God written by Fernando Ortega and Mac Powell.


Even though we have can be reminded that God is good and that God is for us, our hearts can still be hard and wander far from God. When we hear the truth of God’s Word, we roll the “eyes of our heart”. We decide that our vision of God based on our experience is true. We do not trust God, but instead turn away from him. All of us experience this from one degree to another, whether it is doubting the goodness of God through a dark season in our life, or in being convicted of what we think is a small sin in our lives. Let’s pray this prayer of confession together:

Holy God, we confess our sins to you. We confess that we deceive ourselves about our sins. We deceive ourselves about whether we deceive ourselves. We slip and slide and sidestep the truth. You are the source of goodness and righteousness, and you made us to be like you. But we are often distracted from your purposes, and run to the gods of this world. 

Let’s sing our need of God together.

Lord I Need You written by Matt Maher, Daniel Carson, Christy Nockels, Jesse Reeves.


Hear this good news:

If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.

2 Timothy 2:13 

This is good news! Even when we wander and trust in other things, God is faithful to be compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in love. He cannot deny who he is! He never changes! Let’s read that verse again, this time together, and with some excitement 🙂

If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.

                                                                                    2 Timothy 2:13

He has called us out of the darkness of unbelief, and into a fellowship with himself, but also with other people. This is how we are continually reminded of this truth of the goodness of God. And as a family, we bring our resources together to take part in the family business of God of making this world look more like the Kingdom of God. So as we continue to worship, and the giving buckets are passed around, let us sing and give with that in mind.

Fellowship So Deep written by Aaron Senseman, Kinley Lange.


We are the family of God, so extend to your brothers and sisters the peace that was extended to you by the Father.



Come to the Feast written by Jeff Lawson.

Empty Me Out written by Josh White.


To Jesus Christ, who loves us

And freed us from our sins by his blood

And made us to be a kingdom,

Priests serving his God and Father,

To him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

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