Shattered iPhone, Shattered Life, Shiny Penny And Sacred Promise

by Kristen Gilles

in Coping With Miscarriage/Stillbirth/Death

photoAsk me what you can purchase for a penny and I’ll tell you about my new iPhone. That’s right, I got it for a single penny.  One cent.  You can’t even get a piece of gum for that price anymore!

Ask me what my God can do with the shattered ruins of your life and I’ll also tell you about my new iPhone.

Recently, while heading to my garage with keys, sunglasses and phone in hand, I fumbled my phone and it fell facedown onto our concrete sidewalk.  When I picked it up the glass screen was completely shattered.  The broken glass was still in place, but it was split with a hundred lines like a brilliant lighting-lit sky.  It stopped me in my tracks as I wondered if I’d still be able to use my phone until I could get a replacement, and as I speculated about the expense of such a replacement.

I was thankful that Bobby, who witnessed the phone-shattering trauma, didn’t give me a disappointed look or even tell me I should have been more careful.  He just smiled and said, “Well, that happens sometimes.”  We carried my distressed phone to the car and when we returned home later that evening, I wrapped it with clear packing tape.

I told Bobby that the sudden phone-shattering was much like the sudden shattering of our lives when our son Parker was stillborn last October.  But as we marveled at my shattered phone screen still in place and now securely held together by the strong tape, we also saw a picture of how God had been firmly holding together our shattered life and dreams, and we trusted again in His promise to make everything new.  We remembered again that our God has not failed.

And to further prove this to us, the next day He provided a replacement iPhone for the ridiculously low price of a penny. He even threw in free overnight shipping! I know it wasn’t a coincidence that I was eligible for an upgraded phone and that the only one available was refurbished and cost just a penny. I know I didn’t randomly get transferred to the rep who compassionately offered me free overnight shipping (a $15 value).  God was working everything together for my good.  God is working everything together for our good.

This providential event isn’t just about getting a new and better phone.  It’s about gaining understanding of God’s ways.  It’s about knowing Him and His heart for me.  It’s about us being inspired by His goodness and generosity to worship and celebrate His name.  It’s about realizing again that this is what God can do with shattered dreams and circumstances.  He holds everything (it’s all broken) together with His Word.  He IS making everything new.  What does it cost us but to trust His Word, cling to His promises and lean on His love?

Since this is our reality in Christ who has secured our redemption, and since we have these very great and precious promises from our Father, let us worship Him by waiting in faith for Him to do what He said He would do.  We honor Him by waiting patiently, signifying our trust in His flawless character and Word.  We love Him by obediently waiting in hope for Him to come and save us, just as He promised.


Aaron Reefman September 17, 2013 at 9:28 pm

I love it when God reminds and teaches us stuff through the things that happen to us…

Was thinking though, there’s a lot behind your question: What does it cost us but to trust His Word, cling to His promises and lean on His love?

Cos in a way it costs us everything – but also gives us everything. It’s that whole christian paradox thing. And although the love and grace of God is already freely given, we usually need to do a bit of letting go, giving up and listening before we can have hands open enough to receive it. And sometimes our eyes are just too clouded over to see the beauty and awesomeness of His promises…

I guess it’s those untrendy things like humility and obedience that can help break us out of this pattern. I love how those themes come out in Gungor’s song “We will run to you”.

Thanks for your posts that help me stop and think…

Kristen Gilles October 8, 2013 at 9:19 pm

Yes, Shanna, this definitely reminded me of the song Everything New that God gave to encourage me back in NYC and Texas!

Thank you for reminding me of this song and for continuing to encourage and love us from afar! I love and miss you all and look forward to visiting the Hoskison Farm soon!!

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