Be Mentored By Pioneer Christian Musicians In Your Home

by Bobby Gilles

in Music Business,Worship Leading

A couple weeks ago Kristen and I became acquainted with Rebecca Friedlander, who has just completed the Pioneers: Mentoring Series 2-disc DVD that you see in the video preview above. The premise is intriguing: young, independent musicians, singer-songwriters and worship leaders ask questions of those who have gone before, like Phil Keaggy, Dennis Jernigan, Babbie Mason and Dallas Holm. The film does not disappoint — I watched all four hours (a two-disc set) over two days, and highly enjoyed it.

Topics include:

  • Solo Artist issues
  • Songwriting
  • Worship
  • Music Business
  • Personal Life
  • One Thing (“What’s the one thing you want every young artist to know?”)

The entire two-disc set lasts four hours, during which these veteran artists answer a lot of questions. From the “worship” section alone, the young, independent artists ask questions like:

“What do I do when people start applauding while I am leading worship?”

“What are your thoughts on the direction that CCM and modern worship music has taken?”

and many more. It’s an enlightening education from those who have spent decades writing, recording, touring and leading worship in local churches. If you’re a young artist or a parent or youth leader to young artists, you can learn more and purchase Pioneers: Mentoring Series here.

You can also buy a 90-minute version called Pioneers: Documentary that includes the Solo Artist and Songwriting categories.

Check out Rebecca Friedlander’s other products as well. She’s released several CDs, as well as a book and DVD. She has a big heart for serving the Church, as well as the Church’s artists.

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