Tornado Destruction Update: One Year Later

by Bobby Gilles

in Exhortations And Musings

What a difference a year makes.

On March 2, 2012, tornados swept through southern Indiana, devastating a couple towns. This included Henryville, where both my brothers live with their families, and where my grandma lives. While my youngest brother’s house and grandma’s house received minor damage, my brother Darrell’s house was lifted from the ground, hurled hundreds of feet and slammed into the earth — with Darrell inside it, along with his wife Trish and their three young children Caleb, Collin and Mia.

You can read our March 4, 2012 blog post about the tornado devastation here, which includes photos and a short video with Darrell in a hospital bed. He’d broken almost 20 bones. Trish’s pelvis shattered, Caleb’s back broke and Mia had a severe concussion. Collin was unscathed.

A year later, they have a new house on the same property — bigger, better, built at cost. Darrell’s back to work, the kids are all doing fine in school, and even Trish is walking again, with the aid of a cane. They are all walking miracles — evidences of God’s grace and saving power.

Many of you prayed for them, many sent cards, letters, gifts for the kids and monetary donations. We thank you all, once again. In such times, when we see Christians near and far acting as the body of Christ, all we can do is say “Praise God.”

Right now at Sojourn Church, we’re working through a sermon series on the Book of Job. My brother didn’t suffer as much loss as Job did, but he did lose everything but his life and the lives of his family in one cruel instant. It was a horrifying night for our family and friends, as Caleb, Mia, Trish and Darrell all received emergency care in different hospitals (the children were together in one hospital, and Darrell and Trish were eventually transported to the same hospital).

I understand a little of what it must have been like for Job — and of course I came to understand a little more in October of last year when Kristen and I lost our son Parker in the birthing process. In times like these the only path to healing lies in saying, “Bless the Lord who gives and takes.” He is our healer, provider, savior and song in the night. And He is faithful to restore, in His time.

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