Church Planter Profile: Brandon Shields of Soma Church in Indianapolis

by Bobby Gilles

in Interviews

Logo of Soma Church in IndianapolisAs many of you know, I’m involved with communications for a church planting network called Sojourn Network. Next Wednesday Sojourn Network is hosting our first Faithmapping Micro-Conference in Indianapolis.

Along with main sessions led by Daniel Montgomery (speaking on vision/leading a church plant), Mike Cosper (speaking on worship) and Brad House (speaking on community/small groups), we’ll feature a Q&A with Indianapolis church planters, including Brandon Shields of Soma Church.

Yesterday I conducted a phone interview with Pastor Brandon, during which I asked him why he chose to plant Soma in Indianapolis, as well as:

  • How long Brandon has been “on the ground,” laboring in Indy
  • What are some of the ways he’s built your core team
  • How Soma’s “Vision Experience” Sundays are building momentum towards the official launch of Soma Church
  • What pastors, planters and church leaders can expect from the Faithmapping Micro-Conference
  • What’s next for Soma Church, and how can people pray for this work?

Listen on the audio player below, or download from iTunes.

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